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What is the first year of school called across Australia?

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

Nature at Play Prep/Foundation deck for the Australian Mathematics Curriculum

What is the first year of school called across Australia and when can children enrol? Our first Maths deck is called Foundation/Prep because I am a teacher from QLD (where we call the first year of school 'prep' and because the Australian Curriculum refers to the first year of school as 'Foundation'. However, did you know the Australian Mathematics Curriculum also relates to the following year levels across Australia. They all just have a different name!


The first year of school in Queensland is called Prep. Children can begin Prep at the start of a new school year if they will turn 5 by the 30th of June. In Queensland, you can also delay entry to prep by one year if you feel your child is not ready to begin formal schooling. If you choose to do so, your child will start prep the year they turn 6.

Western Australia (WA)

In WA, the first year of school is Pre-primary. Children can begin Pre-primary at the start of a new school year if they will turn 5 by the 30th of June. New South Wales (NSW)

The first year of school in NSW is called Kindergarten. Kids can begin Kindergarten at the start of a new school year if they are turning 5 by the 31st July.


The first year of school in Victoria is called Prep. Kids can begin Prep at the start of a new school year if they are turning 5 by the 30th April.

South Australia

The first year of school in South Australia is called Reception. Children can begin Reception at the start of a new school year if they will turn 5 by the 30th of April.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

In the ACT, the first year of school is called Kindergarten. Children can begin Kindergarten at the start of a new school year if they will turn 5 by the 30th of April.


In Tasmania, the first year of school is Prep. Children can begin Prep if they have turned 5 before the 1st January in the year they wish to begin.

Northern Territory (NT)

In the Northern Territory, the first year of school is called Transition. Children can begin Transition at the start of a new school year if they will turn 5 by the 30th of April.

Nature at Play provides fun, outdoor learning activities, linked to the Australian mathematics curriculum. Visit our website ( or stockists and view our Foundation/prep deck to help support your child during their first year of schooling. 🌱


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